A Year is Fast Approaching

Brethren, A year of service as your Pulpit Preacher is fast approaching. I pray for my effectiveness as a  Preacher for our Lord Jesus Christ, and as servant in His kingdom in Pearland. The past year has been filled with exciting moments and happenings. We have seen...

Prescription for the Priest

In Leviticus chapters eight, nine and ten we see the consecration, inauguration and implementation of Aaron and his sons. God set them apart so that they could give offerings to the Lord for the people’s sins as well as their own. Christians today are also Priests...

The Day of Atonement Part 1

Leviticus chapter 16: The Day of Atonement. This chapter outlines how the people of Israel were to be cleansed of their sins. Here are a few key guidelines that were to be followed in order to cleanse the sins of the people. God had appointed only the High Priest that...

Considering Christ as a Type

INTRO: In Leviticus chapter 16 we see what is known as the Day of Atonement. This chapter outlines how the people of Israel were to be cleansed of their sins. We see some key guidelines that were to be followed in order to cleanse the sins of the   people, and that it...

The Book of Leviticus: One Point Per Chapter

Prepared by Justin Gonzalez Original Author Don Walker Chapters 1-7 = Laws of the Sacrifices Chapter 1 – Burnt Offering Chapter 2 – Meat Offering Chapter 3 – Peace Offering Chapter 4 – Sin Offering Chapter 5 – Trespass Offering Chapter 6 – Continuous Fire (Priestly...

Intro to the Book of Leviticus Part 3

KEYS TO UNDErSTANDING LEVITICUS Key words to notice in the book of Leviticus are Holiness, which is found 87 times, Blood as a means of cleansing 89 times, and atonement 45 times (KYB, Dunn5).These words set the tone for the book as they display what the thrust of the...