In Leviticus chapters eight, nine and ten we see the consecration, inauguration and implementation of Aaron and his
sons. God set them apart so that they could give offerings to the Lord for the people’s sins as well as their own. Christians
today are also Priests that have been set apart as a peculiar people, a holy nation, and a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). This
being the case, we must worship and live as God has prescribed.

I. The consecration of Aaron and his sons (Chapter 8)

They were set apart and sanctified by the anointing of oil (Leviticus 8:1‐36)
A. This was done before the whole congregation (8:4)
B. They were washed and dressed accordingly (8:6‐9)
C. Then they were anointed (8:10‐12)

II. Aaron had to cleanse himself before he could cleanse the people (Chapter 9)

Aaron’s offering for himself (Leviticus 9:1‐4)
A. His sin offering for himself (9:7)
B. His burnt offering for himself (9:12‐14)
C. Sin, burnt, and peace offerings for the people (9:15‐21)
D. Aaron blesses the people and the glory of the Lord is manifested (9:22‐24)

III. Nadab and Abihu in a worship not authorized by God (Chapter 10)

Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s sons, were priests as well as their father.
A. As the glory of the Lord appeared, Nadab and Abihu took it among themselves to offer to God fire
(Leviticus 10:1)
B. God did not authorize this and their fire became profane as it was not what God asked for.
C. This was divinely forbidden because God had already given the priest the guidelines to worship Him
D. This was not how God wanted it and they suffered the consequences.
E. The Lord consumed them with fire and they died before the Lord (10:2)

Today when we become Christians, we must be cleansed just like the Priests in Leviticus, but unlike all the meticulous
guidelines they followed to be cleansed before they became priest, we only have to do one thing. We must be baptized into
the Lord Jesus for the remission of sins. It is at that point that we become priests as the Bible states in 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are
a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who
called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” And just like Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, we must take worship to the Lord
seriously, practicing that which God has commanded as to bring glory to God according to His prescription.