A Look at Modern Viewpoints Part 9: Post-Modernism

Postmodernism is extremely difficult to attach a definition to, however it could very well be summed up as the death of God, death of reason, death of truth, and death of self.¹ Postmodernism is not an idealism that is able to be held such as theology. Rather, it...

A Look at Modern Viewpoints Part 7: Eastern Pantheism

Eastern Pantheism is a theological system that places oneself as a portion of the whole of the One.  This is not an ideology that embraces reason or tries to understand the knowledge in a form of exegetical thinking. The goal here is to abandon all reason and obtain a...

A Look at Modern Viewpoints Part 6: Existentialism

Existentialism is the “philosophical movement embracing diverse doctrines but centering on analysis of individual existence in an unfathomable universe and the plight of the individual who must assume ultimate responsibility for his acts of free will without any...

A Look at Modern Viewpoints Part 4: Naturalism

Naturalism is one of many viewpoints that persons hold concerning the origin of life and matters of existence. So what is Naturalism? Naturalism is the logical conclusion or progression from Deism. Naturalism denies the existence of God and relies on the physical...

A Look at Modern Viewpoints Part 3: Deism

Deism is a worldview point that stems from Christian Theism. Human reasoning  coupled with theological debates brought forth the viewpoint of Deism. Deists believe that God or a force was present at the creation of the world; however, they believe He is no longer...