Eugene’s Story

The year 1918 was an eventful year. In the U.S., regular air-mail service was established between New York and Washington, D.C. Later that year an airmail route between Chicago and New York was begun which took 10 hours and five minutes on its maiden flight....

Getting to Know David Smith

These brief biographies serve as a way to help each of us get better acquainted and develop a deeper appreciation and love for one another. Everyone, young and old, brings something to the table. With that in mind, please take a moment to get to know David Smith a...

By the Numbers

A recent article that dealt with church attendance made mention of a study done in an Ohio county in the 1990’s.1 Apparently two independent studies of the same population gave significantly different results. One survey was a self-reporting survey which indicated...

Labeled “Christian”

We live in an age of generalizations and labels. We make generalizations like “Teenagers are irresponsible” or “White people are racists” when there are innumerable examples to show that such is not the case. And we use labels in the same way. We may refer to some-one...

It Goes Without Saying

The expression that is the title of this article is one that we hear all the time. It’s synonymous with words like “obviously” or “of course.” It is to assume that all parties in the discussion understand certain facts to be in evidence without the need to express...

Christianity: The Personal Challenge

It is always easiest to look at Christianity in the abstract. Making impersonal judgments about who a Christian is or how a Christian should act is a safe exercise that leaves one clinically detached from personal liability. At the same time, it can be an effective...