
One night last week after the evening lecture, I was walking back to my pickup when I realized that the man in front of me was Ryan Parsons. We visited for a while, and eventually the conversation turned to social media and the best strategies to use it for the cause...

Fear of Missing Out

There is a recent cultural phenomenon known as the “Fear of Missing Out” or “FOMO.” “Urban Dictionary” defines this phenomenon as “The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great.” Someone who is constantly looking at social media on...

Relief Work in Dominica

The preaching minister of the League City Church of Christ, Ralph Bryant, wrote this article about some of the good things that are happening in the relief efforts on the island of Dominica. These efforts are in their early stages but will be ongoing for months, if...

But It Doesn’t Work!

A publication called India Newsletter crosses my desk each month. In a recent edition, I read an article entitled “Teamwork and Victory” which reported on the successes of evangelistic efforts in that nation. According to the report, in 2014 there were 358,320 Gospel...

Happy Mother’s Day!

Speaking of maternal love, Ma Bell has always enjoyed the financial benefits of a nation that celebrates Mother’s Day. But with the demise of land-lines and long-distance calling, along with the increasing popularity of the ubiquitous smart phone, I am not sure the...

Winter is Over

Looking back, for years to come, millions of people will remember the winter of 2014/2015. They’ll speak of how long it seemed to drag on, and they’ll recall the bitter cold and the ice. But perhaps the one word they utter most often will be the word SNOW. We didn’t...