Welcome – Part 2

The basis of this article, like the previous one, was taken from an article on church growth by Nick Batzig in The Christward Collective, February 26, 2015. There is always the temptation to throw away or ignore the methods of bygone years and look for new ways to...


Our Homecoming honors the 64th anniversary of the Pearland Church of Christ. To all of you who are able to be with us, our sincerest  welcome. More than that, we want you to know we are grateful to God for the years God let you be a part of and blessing to the work...

Delegating or Offloading?

One of the reasons why so many congregations are dwindling in size is that far too many have become the disciples of the apostle Delegate without understanding his message. His mantra is “Distribute responsibilities to as many as possible in an effort to promote...

A Lesson From Anathoth

About three miles northeast of Jerusalem, within the tribal territory of Benjamin, was the Levitical city of Anathoth (Josh. 21:18; 1 Ch. 6:60).  Two of David’s mighty men, Abiezer (2 Sm. 23:27; 1 Ch. 11:28, 27:12) and Jehu (1 Ch. 12:3), came from there. Later,...

Our Challenge

The next time you want to amaze someone with an impressive bit of trivia, consider asking this question: “What is the 8th largest population  in the world?” Even with a smart phone and instant access to Google, they are not likely to get the correct answer. They’ll be...

Are We Holy and Unblemished?

The most recent article discussed the value of the church to Christ, with the Lord describing the church as His holy and unblemished bride (Eph. 5:27). But in that metaphor, how are holiness and being unblemished measured? There can only be one way. So long as...