A Good Passage to Grasp

One of those fingertip passages, the kind that you always want to keep close by, is 1 Corinthians 10:13. It states six fundamental truths an principles that cannot be overstated, yet too often neglected. “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man;...


Grace is where life begins, both physical and spiritual. None of us exists by self-will; God chose to give us life. We are by His grace. Everyone, believers and infidels alike, is totally dependent on God’s grace (Acts 17:28). No one will live eternally except by that...

Growing the Local Church – Part 3

There Has To Be A Plan To Grow. To assume that some churches grow because “They’re in the right place at the right time” and to assume that we aren’t because our location isn’t ideal is a bit like the thinking of the one-talent man in the Lord’s parable (Mt....

Growing the Local Church – Part 2

The previous article focused on the fact that the local church will not grow unless there is a desire to grow. Other things are also essential. One of them is the need to recognize that the world needs the church to grow. It is not enough that a few in the local...

Are you an ING or an ED?

Transitioning. The dictionary gives the definition, “Change from one form, state, style, or place to another.” To get into the grammatical weeds for a moment: it is a present participle (accomplished by adding ing to the verb). It is occurring at the moment. Grammar...

Caregiver Stress

I read an article recently about caregiver stress. Many of us have no need of an explanation for the term; we’ve experienced it. For the rest, live long enough and the chances are–you will, too. That’s not meant as a complaint. There is a lot of love invested,...