When Sinners Entice

In the opening statements of his book of wisdom for young people, Solomon gives instruction and compares two sources of influence. These are found in Proverbs 1:8-19. The first instruction is an admonition to hear and not forsake the influence of godly parents. Hear,...

Can God and Evil Coexist?

There is so much evil in the world today! That is a common refrain which is constantly reinforced by the complete coverage of our 24-hour, worldwide news services. The more we are confronted with evil, the louder the clamoring insistence that there is no God. If you...

Lord of Sabbath and Salvation

On one occasion, the Pharisees challenged Jesus regarding His disciples picking the heads of grain and rubbing them together to separate husk from seed so that they might eat on a Sabbath day. Their accusation was put in the form of a question; “Why do you do what is...

Think Before You Like

Something has been on my mind for a long time that I think needs to be said. If the plan laid out by the elders this past Sunday is going to be successful, it will only work if all of us are involved. That’s going to be difficult for many. Intimidating. When you do...

Received, Standing, and Saved

Eighteen months of daily interaction, not to mention others that were sent, additional visits, and a previous letter—and yet Paul still needed to write one of his longest epistles to the brethren at Corinth to deal with their spiritual struggles and immaturity. Paul...

Must I Marry?

From the earliest moments of our lives, we’ve been programmed to think of certain things as normal or acceptable while anything else isn’t. Often the question “What’s wrong with (him or her)?” isn’t asked because they are sinful, but because they aren’t “normal.”...