Keep The Church Pure

Since the birth of the New Testament church, the church of Christ has been given a specific charge from the Apostles. The charge is to stay steadfast in the doctrine of Christ; also known as the Apostles’ doctrine. We can see this in Acts 2:42: “And they continued...

Father Knows Best

“Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us” (Ecclesiastes 1:10). My dad used to tell me when I was leaving the house, “Boy where you going and what are you going to do?” He would then follow that up...

The Dead Sea Scrolls Part 3

4Q or Cave four was discovered in August, 1952 and was excavated from September 22-29.6 This site was found by Roland de Vaux, G.L. Harding, and Jozef Milik. Cave four is probably the most famous of all the caves, but not for its content, rather its visibility....

The Dead Sea Scrolls Part 2

Eleven caves containing archaeological findings were revealed since the initial discovery. Let us explore now the caves of Qumran one at a time. The first cave known as 1Q contained several clay jars which had been wrapped in linen. These jars contained the first...

The Dead Sea Scrolls Part 1

The Dead Sea Scrolls; when one hears these words uttered together, it sparks interest of the imagination and entices a person to want to know more. Since the scrolls’ discovery in 1947, there has been a  tremendous amount of excavation done to locate and retrieve all...

In What Way Do You Walk?

In the Psalms we learn that walking with God can only happen through obedience to His will in the way of righteousness. When we look at Psalm 1, we are given a wonderful picture of the way of righteousness. In the first verse we see that the blessed man is the one who...