Hidden or Unhidden

The Scriptures teach us that some things are hidden which shouldn’t be, some things are hidden that should be, and some things are hidden that can’t be. Any good thing the Lord has done should not be hidden. In the days of Jehoram, king of Israel, the Arameans laid...


As Christians, subjected to “a great persecution” in the church at Jerusalem, scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria (Acts 8:1), they “went about preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). When we read “preaching,” it is easy to envision men standing in a pulpit...

It Still works In Ouoghi

The Gospel Chariot is one of many evangelistic efforts used by our preaching brethren in Benin. Originally, it was a well-worn school bus  sitting in a sale lot in Murray, KY. It was shipped to the BTC campus in Zinvie several years ago with the thought of using it to...

Two Essentials

There are several essentials always present in a growing church. I’m examining two in this article. You may be engaged in both; and, if so,  God bless you! You may be disengaged from one or both. If, after reading this article, you come to that conclusion; then I hope...

Some Foundations

A good foundation is critical to structural integrity. Daily, we see examples of structures that are well-built and that endure for generations because a proper foundation was laid. And we also see failures and ongoing expenses because a foundation wasn’t...