Looking Forward

One of the most often cited quotations from the late A. W. Tozer reads as follows: “If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New...


What comes to mind when you think of a guard? Did you think of a guard inside a prison who makes sure prisoners do not escape? Were you thinking of someone in uniform at a bank who protects you from armed robbers? Or did you envision a soldier standing duty at a post?...

Good and Evil

When Peter was brought to the home of Cornelius and was given the opportunity to speak, he began with a few basic facts that they already knew. As my sixth-grade teacher used to always say, “Take them from the known to the unknown.” So Peter began with a basic and...

Six Hundred Fifty-Five

No, it’s not meant as a biblical number that you should be aware of. It’s the number of emails I have accumulated over the last seven days. That doesn’t take into account the thousands that my email filters have already sent to my spam folder. This high volume...

Owned And Changed In Every Way

Toyota has been running a series of commercials for their new 2017 Corolla that is definitely designed to appeal to the millennials. Several  vignettes of 20-somethings who choose the unconventional, quit their jobs, or party all night on the beach are shown while the...