Report from Camp Thousand Oaks

It seems that every year our summer youth camps just get better and better, and our most recent trip to Camp Thousand Oaks Ranch in Corsicana was no exception. This year we took twelve campers, three of which were visitors, three junior counselors, and three adults....

Would You Have Gone?

Today is the day our nation celebrates its independence from England. Two hundred thirty-six years ago today, men gathered in a stuffy room in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ratified what we now know as our nation’s Declaration of Independence. This document ensures...

Unreasonable Anger

It happened again. Today, while driving in traffic, an angry motorist who had been following me veered radically into the lane to my right and passed me while burning half a tank of expensive fuel. He was young and I must admit, a very talented driver. He was able to...

Destroying Diseases and the Church

About a week ago I set out several crape myrtles. This time of year, the stock of crape myrtles begins to dwindle and what remains have been picked over for weeks. But bargains can be had. I was able to pick up some good sized plants at low prices, but they were...

Let A Man Regard Us

Study for my lessons on giving gave me opportunity to revisit a statement Paul made to the church at Corinth. “Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God” (1 Cor. 4:1). Initially, I was interested in the Greek word...