It Goes Without Saying

The expression that is the title of this article is one that we hear all the time. It’s synonymous with words like “obviously” or “of course.” It is to assume that all parties in the discussion understand certain facts to be in evidence without the need to express...

Christianity: The Personal Challenge

It is always easiest to look at Christianity in the abstract. Making impersonal judgments about who a Christian is or how a Christian should act is a safe exercise that leaves one clinically detached from personal liability. At the same time, it can be an effective...

The Frankie Smith Ag Project

The sermon on our mission works last Sunday morning allowed me to make some very brief remarks about the Frankie Smith Ag Project that is an integral part of the curriculum at BTC. Unfortunately, time did not allow me to explain the role this project plays in FACE’s...

I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel

The book of Acts is filled with thrilling accounts of early Christians growing and bearing fruit both in terms of evangelism and in good deeds. Repeatedly we read of their positive influence among people and, where that favorable impression was held, the church was...

Who Am I?

At the age of 87, brother J. A. McNutt made the observation that “most folks are about as happy, or as miserable, as they plan to be.” Call it home-spun humor if you like, but it is more than that. It is homespun wisdom, achieved by a life of dedication to studying...