The Most Difficult Words to Say (Guest Writer Sam Wilcut)

The four most difficult words to say: “I have done wrong.” We generally do not like to admit that we have done wrong. One reason is pride. Pride is one of the most dangerous sins that affect humanity. It was the first one listed in God’s list of hated sins: “These six...

Dominica Relief Efforts

I know that so many of us in the Houston area have been hurt by the floods, and have been giving generously to help our families and friends recover. But there is a tremendous, urgent need for help for those is Dominica. There is no power, the water system is...

Why Some Disciples Turn Away From Christ

There are many reasons why people turn their backs on Christ’s church. Among them are: Discouragement. This may be in their personal or family life. They may be discouraged by difficulties in the church. Weakness of character and purpose. Some folks find it hard...

Satan: The Enemy We Are Up Against

God’s word identifies the devil as the great adversary with whom we must deal (I Pet. 5:8). Our world abounds with evil governments, evil institutions, evil people, evil things, evil deeds and doctrines. Multitudes suffer greatly from these evils, yet many...