Absolute Truth

Truth is a vital commodity. Without truth we would live in chaos and confusion. Jesus said the truth will make us free (John 8:32). Lies and error, on the other hand, can wreck and ruin our lives and even lead us into slavery. There are three kinds of knowledge. There...

What Makes A Strong Church?

* Not large numbers in attendance. Many large congregations are doctrinally and spiritually weak! * Not wealth. It is not the possession of wealth but the use of wealth that makes a congregation strong and productive for Christ. A congregation may spend all of its...

Try Christianity. It’s The Real Thing!

A few years ago, the Coca-Cola Company had great success with a commercial jingle that said, “Try Coke: it’s the real thing.” I want to recommend that you try plain, undenominational Christianity. It is the real thing. We have a real Savior…Jesus of...

Does It Really Matter?

We live in a day of relativism. By this we mean that many have been led to believe that in the realm of religion, morality, patriotism, and personal conduct nothing is absolutely right or wrong. Rather, they believe that so long as a person is sincere in his actions...

The End

This is my last article. My best conservative estimate is that over the years I have written about 1,500 bulletin articles. I began in about 1986 and, except for the time I was in school, I have published weekly articles almost every week, year after year. Very few of...

A Psalm of the Righteous

The Psalms are among the best remedies for those times when we become anxious. That which discourages us or causes us to be afraid has already been experienced by others. So much of what depresses us is put into proper perspective when we read the psalms and are...

A Stone That Shouts

In Frank Morison’s book, Who Moved the Stone?, one entire chapter deals with the significance of the stone. He considers the emotions and great surprise of the women–Salome, Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of Jesus–upon arriving at the tomb and...

The Divine Genealogy

Even the most avid Bible student probably finds the genealogies of Christ in the gospel accounts of Matthew and Luke to be a less than exciting study. Yet the Holy Spirit inspired two different gospel writers to include His genealogy as a proof that He was uniquely...

A Tale of Two Men

I was sitting in my office one Sunday afternoon working on my lesson for the evening service when a man about my age walked in and asked to talk with me. I’d never laid eyes on the man prior to that moment; and, in a small town of less than 500 people, I would have...

The Commonality of Repentance and Faith

Two things that every Christian is called upon to do without exception are:  REPENT and have FAITH.  It may seem as if these two things are unrelated in every way except that God requires them, but they actually have several things in common.  Both are Required. Jesus...