
A year of service as your Pulpit Preacher is fast approaching. I pray for my effectiveness as a  Preacher for our Lord Jesus Christ, and as servant in His kingdom in Pearland. The past year has been filled with exciting moments and happenings. We have seen an uptick in attendance, as well as an uptick in families and individuals placing membership with us. We have upgraded our online presence and have upgraded our technological abilities. I would like to take this time to thank everyone for your part in making this congregation what it is today.

We are a light to this community; we are a respected, sound, and loving church amongst area churches of Christ. I have heard from members of the church across the Houston Metro area and the State of Texas. Our zeal and fervor is known, respected, and admired far and wide. We have poised ourselves for an outreach effort in our community. We are ready for growth and are capable to handle all aspects of an evangelism push in and around our area. I hope you are excited about what we have done this year and what is to come going forward!

In an effort to be as effective as possible, I submit to you the congregation an evaluation form. I hope to have great participation on your behalf. I pray that these evaluations will help me better serve the saints in Pearland. Evaluations are anonymous unless you wish to ascribe your name.

All submissions received by the deadline of September 2nd will be considered as year two is planned out.

Please fill out the form and place it in the designated box in the foyer.

In Christ,

Justin Gonzalez